Sunday, 6 December 2015

SEC SUMMARY 3.12.15 Dungeon, Cell, Custody

Today we have 
1. Dungeon = kamar bawah tanah, penjara bawah
2. Cell = ruangan, sel dalam penjara
3. Custody = tahanan, penjagaan.

Which statement is preferred?
1. The suspect is in the police custody.
2. The suspect is in the police cell.
3. The suspect is in the police dungeon.

see prefered answers on the answer tab above thanks and have a lovely day.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

SEC SUMMARY 30.11.15 Intuition, Cognizant, Coordinated

Our words today are:
1. Intuition = intuisi 
2. Cognizant =  mengatahui 
3. Coordinated = Dikoordinasikan 

Which is correct? 
1. The challenges of the tertiary education he was cognizant. 
2. He was cognizant of the challenges of tertiary education. 
3. He was cognizant the challenges of tertiary education. 
see prefered answers on the answer tab above thanks and have a lovely day.

SEC SUMMARY 23.11.15 Effectiveness, Efficiency, Accurary

Today we have  
1. Effectiveness = Keefektifan 
2. Efficiency = Efisiensi 
3. Accuracy = Ketepatan 

Which of the statement sounds illogical. 
1. The efficiency and effectiveness of the machine is outstanding. 
2. The accuracy and effectiveness of her table is outstanding. 

see prefered answers on the answer tab above thanks and have a lovely day.

SEC SUMMARY 26.12.15 Marketing Channel, Value Addition, Intensification

Our words today 
1. Marketing channel = Saluran pemasaran 
2. Value addition = Penambahan nilai / nilai tambah 
3. Intensification = Intensifikasi 

Which statement is correct below?  
1. There is value addition along the marketing channel. 
2. There are value addition along the marketing channel. 
3. There be value addition along the marketing channel. 

see prefered answers on the answer tab above thanks and have a lovely day.